Entering the EV World with Fun and Confidence: First Impressions of the 2023 Lexus RZ in a Drive Review
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Contrary to what some might think, Lexus is only just now introducing its first battery-electric vehicle to the U.S. market. It's not its first shot at an EV, though, between the foreign market UX 300e and what Toyota's lineup has looked like over the past couple of years, the luxury automaker has more than...
Assessing the 2023 Toyota Supra MT: Flawlessly Impulsive, Enhanced by Manual Transmission
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Toyota has built up a reputation for being quite a conservative car company. Between the Prius and the Camry, buying a Toyota meant buying something economical with good fuel economy and decent space. Something you don’t mind taking on a road trip or eventually gifting to your eldest child on their sweet 16. That...
2030 Merᴄedeѕ EQV Deѕigᥒed By Amol Satpute, thiѕ ƅeauty’ѕ projeᴄt juѕt ѕtarted, it’ѕ already aggreѕѕive aᥒd meaᥒѕ lookiᥒg with the ѕhark froᥒt aᥒd the ƅroᥒze detailѕ. Caᥒ’t wait to get the laѕt reᥒder.
Sitting behind the 2023 Lexus LS 500’s spread of controls took me back to childhood. Specifically Christmas 1998—when I delightedly pulled the wrapping off a stereo the size of an engine block. Remember those? So many buttons, so many lights! I felt such power and coolness. What a great sensation to stoke.
I’ve driven plenty...
One look at the 2023 Audi Q4 Sportback E-Tron and you might think something’s different. Everything from its unusual ‘Sportback’ shape to its closed-off grille and dazzling LED lights make it seem like something exciting, with the promise of a unique and interesting experience. Sadly, actually getting behind the wheel and driving the Q4...