Produced from 1958 to 1987, the Pontiac Parisienne stands as one of the longest-running nameplates in Pontiac's history. However, its presence in the United States was delayed until 1983, setting it apart from iconic models like the GTO, Catalina, and Bonneville. Introduced in 1959 as a replacement for the Pathfinder, the Parisienne shared showroom space...
The Chevrolet Impala, introduced in 1958 as the top-tier Bel Air model, quickly proved its potential within months, prompting GM to recognize its standalone capabilities. In 1959, the Impala gained series status, embarking on a journey to establish its identity independent of the Bel Air. While it continued to share components with its predecessor, the...
Established in 1938, Mercury served as Ford's medium-price brand, positioned below Lincoln. The brand was phased out in 2011 due to poor sales, leaving behind some iconic nameplates such as the Cougar, Marauder, Montclair, and Grand Marquis. While Mercury is widely known for its upscale passenger cars, it also ventured into building pickup trucks,...
In 1979, the Pontiac Firebird, especially the Trans Am model, enjoyed considerable popularity. More than 211,000 Firebirds were produced, and the Trans Am constituted a significant portion with over 117,000 units. Engine Options and Special Editions During this model year, the Pontiac Firebird Trans Am came with a single engine option. Buyers could choose between the...
In 1957, the first-generation T-Bird soared to new heights, marking a pinnacle in its history. The annual production surged from 15,631 to 21,380 cars, boosted by an extended production period. Ford's delay in launching the 1958 successor meant that the 1957 model enjoyed increased numbers during its run. Amidst the success, significant changes were underway...